According to this article there is a new type of feminism in our society and that the older version of feminism, about equality for women, is completely outdated. This new wave of feminism is all about diversity and celebrating each other's differences. It rejects labels such as race and sexuality and appreciates the fact that people can have multiple labels and cannot be easily defined. This new feminism is about empowerment in individualistic terms and having the power to make choices. This new wave of feminism can be found in the media as well. Such as singer Alanis Morissette whose lyrics reflect a theme of confrontation which is an example of third-wavers' "in your face" assertiveness. In addition, her songs "reject the role of the sorrowful, wronged woman as pathetic martyr;" instead they promote "this women [as] angry and aggressive" (Shugart, 199). Another example is supermodel, Kate Moss, who blurs gender lines and completely disregards gender labeling, characteristic of third-wave feminism, in her Calvin Klein advertisements.
Shugart, Helene, Catherine E. Waggoner, and D. Lynn O'Brien Hallstein. "Mediating Third-Wave Feminism: Appropriation as Postmodern Media Practice." Critical Studies in Media Communication 18 (2001): 194-210.